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Dorothy Hull Library - Windsor Township

Library History

A history of the Dorothy Hull-Windsor Township Library

Establishing the Library:

* Until 1951, there was no “official” library for Dimondale, but there were lending libraries run out of one of the local schoolhouses and various homes.

* In 1951, Windsor Township citizens petitioned and successfully established a Township Library, complete with a 6-member electable Board of Trustees, and funded by township appropriation.

* The library opened in May 1951. The library was located at the old Bell Telephone building on Bridge Street (where Chapel Accounting is now).

* Mary Wilson was the librarian until 1958. Dorothy Hull served as Librarian from 1958 to 1984.


New Building:

* By the 1960s, they had outgrown their present location.

* They made several attempts to pass a dedicated millage for operations in 1960, but the attempts failed. The Windsor Township board has voted each year to appropriate funds to support the library.

* The Dimondale School District annexed with Holt School District, and the high school was torn down in 1965. Holt Public Schools deeded the property to the Library Board for one dollar.

* In 1969, the library board, along with the Dimondale Lions Club and the Dimondale Home Culture Club, solicited the community for donations to build a new building for the library at the location of the old high school. They raised $40,000 through community donations. 

* Two special memorial funds were donated in memory of 2 local men, Terry Beardslee and Ronald Albertson, who fought and died in the Vietnam War; those funds helped with furnishing the new library.

* The library changed its honorary name to the Dorothy Hull Library in 1989 in honor of the long serving and well-loved Librarian.

* Joy Slee was the Librarian from 1984 to 2015.


* Ann Sanders became the Director of the library in 2016.

* The library offerings have grown over the last decade, offering many new programs and services to Windsor Township residents.

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