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Dorothy Hull Library - Windsor Township

Library Policies

Dorothy Hull Library Policies
  • Acceptable Behavior While in the Library

    Policy addressing acceptable patron behavior in the library

    application/pdf Acceptable Behavior Policy.pdf — 67 KB

  • Circulation Policy

    Library material circulation policy

    application/pdf Circulation Policy 08-17-23 revised.pdf — 100 KB

  • Collection Development Policy

    Policy describing the ongoing process of reviewing materials for keeping or purchasing

    application/pdf collection development final.pdf — 84 KB

  • Emergency Closure Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance when the Library is closed or closing earlier than scheduled for inclement weather or other emergency public safety reasons. The Emergency Closure Policy takes into account public safety of both staff and the community.

    application/pdf Emergency Closure Policy 6.20.24.pdf — 60 KB

  • Gift Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to outline what gifts may be accepted, what are declined and why. This policy also defines when an accepted gift may be disposed of and how.

    application/pdf Gift Policy, Final 05.16.24.pdf — 160 KB

  • Internet and Computer Use Policy

    Library Internet and Computer Use policy

    application/pdf Computer Use Policy.pdf — 78 KB

  • Orientation Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to ensure that new staff, trustees, volunteers, and impacted Township staff understand their individual roles and responsibilities.

    application/pdf Orientation Policy 06.20.24.pdf — 161 KB

  • Personnel Policy

    The purpose of this policy is to clarify and communicate conditions and governance of employment by the Dorothy Hull Library-Windsor Township.

    application/pdf Personnel Policy FINAL 08.16.24.pdf — 179 KB

  • Photocopier Policy

    Policy addressing photocopying services provided by the library

    application/pdf Photocopier Policy.pdf — 61 KB

  • Policy and Bylaw Review Schedule

    The purpose of this policy is to outline the policy and bylaw review process and schedule.

    application/pdf Policy and Bylaw Review 06.20.24.pdf — 148 KB

  • Privacy Policy.pdf

    It is the purpose of this policy to outline the use of personal information collected by the Dorothy Hull Library – Windsor Township.

    application/pdf Privacy Policy, Final.pdf — 158 KB

  • Professional Development Reimbursement Policy

    Policy outlining reimbursement of professional development opportunities from library funds to staff

    application/pdf Professional Development Reimbursement Policy.pdf — 107 KB

  • Public Signs on Library Property.pdf

    The purpose of this policy is to establish under what circumstances a sign may be posted on library property.

    application/pdf Public Signs on Library Property.pdf — 140 KB

  • Record Retention Policy

    Policy regard keeping and disposing of public records

    application/pdf Record Retention & Disposal Policy final.pdf — 61 KB

  • Sales of Goods and Services

    This policy governs the sale of goods and/or services on library property

    application/pdf Sales of goods-services final.pdf — 16 KB

  • Sexual Harrassment Policy

    Policy instructing staff on handling situations involving sexual harrassment

    application/pdf Sexual Harassment Policy.pdf — 77 KB

  • Social Media Policy

    Policy outlining the library's social media presence

    application/pdf social media policy.pdf — 76 KB

  • Volunteer Policy.pdf

    The purpose of this policy is to define the criteria for volunteering, the expectations of volunteers, the educational requirements of volunteers, the volunteer’s role at the Dorothy Hull Library, and the authority of the Library Director and/or his/her appointed staff member.

    application/pdf Volunteer Policy, Final 05.16.24.pdf — 182 KB