
Here are some databases you can access to find books to read online with your library card.

Libby - Florham Park Public Library Libby (formerly Overdrive) Create an account with your library card and have access to great e-books, audiobooks, and magazines for free
Newspaper Source Plus web button Newspaper Source Plus Includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines. Offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources. Primary full coverage newspapers are The Washington Post and USA Today.
eBook Public Library Collection web button EBSCO eBooks Collection of over 44,000 reference books featuring titles for both adults and kids. Covers a wide variety of topics from self-help and fitness to cooking and personal finance. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.
MeLCat web button MeLCat More than 400 libraries participate in sharing their books and other resources. Use your local library card to order materials from other libraries in Michigan.
NoveList Plus web button NoveList Plus Contains information on over 260,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles. Features lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, Read-a-Like recommendations, and complete series information. Also includes reader ratings and reviews. Create your own reading wish list.
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